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L.R. López López
J.A. Ulloa
P. Rosas Ulloa
J.C. Ramírez Ramírez
Y. Silva Carrillo
A. Quintero Ramos


beans, hydration, mathematical modelling, ultrasound, water diffusivity, Weibull´s model


Beans of six varieties were soaked in water at 30°C and exposed to ultrasound at powers of 5, 12 or 19 W, in addition to treatment control without ultrasound to attain the equilibrium moisture.  From four model studied, the Weibull model presented the best fit (R2 0.986-0.999) for the experimental data of the hydration kinetics. Soaking time was reduced from 52.6 % to 77.2 % while the effective diffusivity was increased from 2.25 times to 3.50 times at 19 W, depending of the bean variety, in comparison with the control treatment. The ultrasound power improved the hydration properties, being suitable for possible use in industrial bean applications.

Abstract 757 | PDF Downloads 723


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