Riboflavin removal by commercial bentonites and charcoals in white and red wines

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Veronica Vendramin
Simona Primerano
Giampiero Leserri
Giulio Paniccia
Simone Vincenzi


bentonite, charcoal, red wine, riboflavin removal, white wine


Riboflavin (RF) represents one of the primary molecules undergoing photodegradation in wine, and its excited form acts as an intermediate in light-induced oxidation reactions responsible for the light-struck fault. A recent study has revealed bentonites (BENs) and charcoals (CHAs) as the most promising fining agents for removal of RF in model wine. This work explored their potential on both white and red wines, where polyphenols could interfere in the fining agent–RF interaction. A total of 11 BENs and 11 CHAs were compared. BENs exhibited a limited capacity, while decoloring carbons confirmed a great attitude for removal of RF in white wine, even at low dosages. Nevertheless, efficiency of CHAs shows a sensible reduction in red wine.

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