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phenolic composition, texture parameters, “Freisa” grapes, growing areas, ripeness, minor varieties


This study aimed to investigate the physico-chemical characteristics of ‘‘Freisa’’ red winegrapes from five growing areas at three ripeness degrees. Wines were produced with grapes from each growing area. Results highlighted that “Freisa” grapes have relatively hard skins (break force>0.8N), medium anthocyanin content (>800mg/kg grapes), and high flavanol content (PRO>2500,  FVA>1200mg/kg grapes). Skin thickness, total anthocyanin and flavanol contents were significantly influenced by environmental conditions and ripeness. Grapes from Monferrato area showed the thickest skins and highest contents of anthocyanins but also of seed flavanols. Coherently, wine color characteristics and phenolic composition depended on growing area.

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