Published: 2022-10-25


Assessment of the bioaccessibility of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity in raw and pickled white cabbage and gherkins

Müzeyyen Berkel Kaşıkçı, Neriman Bağdatlıoğlu
Abstract 898 | PDF Downloads 859 HTML Downloads 158 XML Downloads 91

Page 1-10

Perceptions of Spanish consumers towards novel lamb burgers enriched with natural antioxidants and healthy fatty acids

Andres Horrillo, Carlos Díaz-Caro, Eva Crespo-Cebada, David Tejerina, Francisco Javier Mesías, Antonio Rodríguez-Ledesma, Susana García-Torres
Abstract 525 | PDF Downloads 551 HTML Downloads 200 XML Downloads 51

Page 11-24

Pea protein isolates: emulsification properties as affected by preliminary pretreatments

G. D’Alessio, F. Flamminii, M. Faieta, P. Pittia, C.D. Di Mattia
Abstract 922 | PDF Downloads 683 HTML Downloads 131 XML Downloads 169

Page 25-32

Some technical properties of dried Terminalia chebula (kara halile) for use in harvest and post-harvest processing

Elçin Yeşiloğlu Cevher
Abstract 481 | PDF Downloads 472 HTML Downloads 180 XML Downloads 44

Page 33–43

Effect of seven non-conventional starch rich sources on physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of extruded snacks

Syed Zameer Hussain, Rumaisa Gaffar, Bazila Naseer, Tahiya Qadri, Uzma Noor Shah, Monica Reshi
Abstract 517 | PDF Downloads 439 HTML Downloads 67 XML Downloads 19

Page 44-56