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Acrylamide, frying, induction hob, temperature control, potatoes, home-cooking, pretreatments, roasting.
Three trials were conducted to determine the influence of the use of temperature control systems on physico-chemical characteristics and acrylamide formation in the domestic preparation of potatoes. French fries were pre-treated by soaking in water or acidified water, and then they were cooked using a range of home-cooking procedures. Soaking raw potatoes in acidified water (pH=3.17) before frying at a controlled temperature (180 °C) was the most efficient pretreatment for reducing acrylamide formation (76%). For the same temperature, roasted frozen par-fried potatoes contained less fat and acrylamide than similar pan-fried potatoes. Potatoes butter fried at 140 °C had an acrylamide concentration similar to that of potatoes fried in oil at 180 °C, but this value was reduced by 71% when the frying was carried out using a temperature control system. Controlling the frying temperature reduced acrylamide formation at all the temperatures studied.
Approved methods of the AACC. (2000).10th ed. St. Paul, USA: American Association of Cereal Chemistry.
Claeys, W. L., De Vleeschouwer, K. & Hendrickx, M. E. (2005). Quantifying the formation of carcinogens during food processing: Acrylamide. Trends in Food Science and Techonology, 16, 181-193.
Dana, D. & Saguy, I. S. (2006). Review: Mechanism of oil uptake during deep-fat frying and the surfactant effect-theory and myth. Advances in Colloid Interface Science, 128-130, 267-272.
Fiselier, K., Bazzocco, D., Gama-Baumgartner, F. & Grob, K. (2006). Influence of the frying temperature on acrylamide formation in French fries. European Food Research Technology, 222, 414-419.
Friedman, M.& Levin, C. E. (2008). Review of methods for the reduction of dietary content and toxicity of acrylamide. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 56, 6113-140.
Gertz, C. & Klostermann, S. (2002). Analysis of acrylamide and mechanismns of its formation in deep-fried products. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 104, 762-771.
Huang, P.Y. & Fu, Y.C. (2014). Relationship between oil uptake and water content during deep-fat frying of potato particulates under isothermal temperature. Journal of American Oil Chemists Society, 91, 1179-1187.
Jung, M.Y. & Choi, D.S. & Ju, J. W. (2003). A novel technique for limitation of acrylamide formation in fried and baked corn chips and in French fries. Journal of Food Science, 68, 1287-1290.
Kahkeshani, N., Saeidnia, S. & Abdollahi, M. (2015). Role of antioxidants and phytochemicals on acrylamide mitigation from food and reducing its toxicity. Journal of Food Science and Technology-Mysore, 52, 3169-3186.
Kumar, N. S. M., Shimray, C. A., Indrani, D. & Manonmani, H. K. (2014). Reduction of Acrylamide Formation in Sweet Bread with L-Asparaginase Treatment. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 7, 741-748.
León, K., Mery, D., Pedreschi, F. & León, J. (2006). Color measurement in L* a* b* units from RGB digital images. Food Research International, 39, 1084-1091.
Majcher, M. A. & Jelen, H. H. (2007). Acrylamide formation in low-fat potato snacks and its correlation with colour development. Food Additives and Contaminants Part A-Chemistry, 24, 337-342.
Márquez, G. & Añón, M. C. (1986). Influence of reducing sugars and amino acids in the color development of fried potatoes. Journal of Food Science, 51, 157-160.
Matthäus, B., Haase, N. U. & Vosmann, K. (2004). Factors affecting the concentration of acrylamide during deep-fat frying of potatoes. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 106, 793-801.
Matthäus, B. (2009). Acrylamide formation during frying. In: Advances in deep-fat frying of foods contemporary food engineering series (edited by S. Sarpin & S. Gülüm). Pp. 143-164. Boca Raton, USA: Taylor & Francis Group.
Mestdagh, F., De Wilde, T., Fraselle, S., Govaert, Y., Ooghe, W., Degroodt, J. M., Verhe, R., van Peteghem, C. & De Meulenaer, B. (2008).
Optimization of the blanching process to reduce acrylamide in fried potatoes. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 41, 1648-1654.
Miao, Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, L., Wu, S., Sun, Y., Shan, Y. & Yuan, Y. (2014). Acrylamide and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural formation in reconstituted potato chips during frying. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51, 4005-4011.
Nielsen, N., Granby, K., Hedegaard, R. & Skibstead, L. (2006). A liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method for simultaneous analysis of acrylamide and the precursors, asparagine and reducing sugars in bread. Analytica Chimica Acta, 557, 211-220.
Pedreschi, F., Kaack, K. & Granby, K. (2004). Reduction of acrylamide formation in fried potato slices. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 37, 679-685.
Pedreschi, F. & Moyano, P. (2005). Effect of pre-drying on texture and oil uptake of potato chips. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 38, 599-604.
Pedreschi, F., Kaack, K. & Granby, K. (2006). Acrylamide content and color development in fried potato strips. Food Research International, 39, 40-46.
Pedreschi, F., Bustos, O., Mery, D., Moyano, P., Kaack, K. & Granby, K. (2007). Color kinetics and acrylamide formation in NaCl soaked potato chips. Journal of Food Engineering, 79, 989-997.
Rosén, J. & Hellenäs, K. E. (2002). Analysis of acrylamide in cooked foods by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Analyst, 127, 880-882.
Rydberg, P., Eriksson, S., Tareke, E., Karlsson, P., Ehrenberg, L. and Törnqvist, M. (2003). Investigations of factors that influence the acrylamide content of heated foodstuffs. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 51, 7012-7018.
Santis, N., Mendoza, F., Moyano, P., Pedreschi, F. & Dejmek, P. (2007). Soaking in a NaCl solution produce paler potato chips. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 40, 307-312.
Stadler, R. H., Blank, I., Varga, N., Robert, F., Hau, J., Guy, P. A., Robert, M. C. & Riediker, S. (2002). Acrylamide from Maillard reaction products. Nature, 419, 449-450.
Tareke, E., Rydberg, P., Karlsson, P., Eriksson, S. & Törnqvist, M. (2002). Analysis of acrylamide, a carcinogen formed in heated foodstuffs. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50, 4998-5006.
Urbancic, S., Kolar, M. H., Dimitrijevic, D., Demsar, L. & Vidrih, R. (2014). Stabilisation of sunflower oil and reduction of acrylamide formation of potato with rosemary extract during deep-fat frying. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 57, 671-678.
Yuan, Y., Chen, F., Zhao, G. H., Liu, J., Zhang, H. X. & Hu, X. S. (2007). A comparative study of acrylamide formation by microwave and conventional heating methods. Journal of Food Science, 72, C212-C216.
Zuo, S. H., Zhang, T., Jiang, B. & Mu, W. M. (2015). Reduction of acrylamide level through blanching with treatment by an extremely thermostable L-asparaginase during French fries processing. Extremophiles, 19, 841-851
Claeys, W. L., De Vleeschouwer, K. & Hendrickx, M. E. (2005). Quantifying the formation of carcinogens during food processing: Acrylamide. Trends in Food Science and Techonology, 16, 181-193.
Dana, D. & Saguy, I. S. (2006). Review: Mechanism of oil uptake during deep-fat frying and the surfactant effect-theory and myth. Advances in Colloid Interface Science, 128-130, 267-272.
Fiselier, K., Bazzocco, D., Gama-Baumgartner, F. & Grob, K. (2006). Influence of the frying temperature on acrylamide formation in French fries. European Food Research Technology, 222, 414-419.
Friedman, M.& Levin, C. E. (2008). Review of methods for the reduction of dietary content and toxicity of acrylamide. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 56, 6113-140.
Gertz, C. & Klostermann, S. (2002). Analysis of acrylamide and mechanismns of its formation in deep-fried products. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 104, 762-771.
Huang, P.Y. & Fu, Y.C. (2014). Relationship between oil uptake and water content during deep-fat frying of potato particulates under isothermal temperature. Journal of American Oil Chemists Society, 91, 1179-1187.
Jung, M.Y. & Choi, D.S. & Ju, J. W. (2003). A novel technique for limitation of acrylamide formation in fried and baked corn chips and in French fries. Journal of Food Science, 68, 1287-1290.
Kahkeshani, N., Saeidnia, S. & Abdollahi, M. (2015). Role of antioxidants and phytochemicals on acrylamide mitigation from food and reducing its toxicity. Journal of Food Science and Technology-Mysore, 52, 3169-3186.
Kumar, N. S. M., Shimray, C. A., Indrani, D. & Manonmani, H. K. (2014). Reduction of Acrylamide Formation in Sweet Bread with L-Asparaginase Treatment. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 7, 741-748.
León, K., Mery, D., Pedreschi, F. & León, J. (2006). Color measurement in L* a* b* units from RGB digital images. Food Research International, 39, 1084-1091.
Majcher, M. A. & Jelen, H. H. (2007). Acrylamide formation in low-fat potato snacks and its correlation with colour development. Food Additives and Contaminants Part A-Chemistry, 24, 337-342.
Márquez, G. & Añón, M. C. (1986). Influence of reducing sugars and amino acids in the color development of fried potatoes. Journal of Food Science, 51, 157-160.
Matthäus, B., Haase, N. U. & Vosmann, K. (2004). Factors affecting the concentration of acrylamide during deep-fat frying of potatoes. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 106, 793-801.
Matthäus, B. (2009). Acrylamide formation during frying. In: Advances in deep-fat frying of foods contemporary food engineering series (edited by S. Sarpin & S. Gülüm). Pp. 143-164. Boca Raton, USA: Taylor & Francis Group.
Mestdagh, F., De Wilde, T., Fraselle, S., Govaert, Y., Ooghe, W., Degroodt, J. M., Verhe, R., van Peteghem, C. & De Meulenaer, B. (2008).
Optimization of the blanching process to reduce acrylamide in fried potatoes. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 41, 1648-1654.
Miao, Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, L., Wu, S., Sun, Y., Shan, Y. & Yuan, Y. (2014). Acrylamide and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural formation in reconstituted potato chips during frying. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51, 4005-4011.
Nielsen, N., Granby, K., Hedegaard, R. & Skibstead, L. (2006). A liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method for simultaneous analysis of acrylamide and the precursors, asparagine and reducing sugars in bread. Analytica Chimica Acta, 557, 211-220.
Pedreschi, F., Kaack, K. & Granby, K. (2004). Reduction of acrylamide formation in fried potato slices. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 37, 679-685.
Pedreschi, F. & Moyano, P. (2005). Effect of pre-drying on texture and oil uptake of potato chips. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 38, 599-604.
Pedreschi, F., Kaack, K. & Granby, K. (2006). Acrylamide content and color development in fried potato strips. Food Research International, 39, 40-46.
Pedreschi, F., Bustos, O., Mery, D., Moyano, P., Kaack, K. & Granby, K. (2007). Color kinetics and acrylamide formation in NaCl soaked potato chips. Journal of Food Engineering, 79, 989-997.
Rosén, J. & Hellenäs, K. E. (2002). Analysis of acrylamide in cooked foods by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Analyst, 127, 880-882.
Rydberg, P., Eriksson, S., Tareke, E., Karlsson, P., Ehrenberg, L. and Törnqvist, M. (2003). Investigations of factors that influence the acrylamide content of heated foodstuffs. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 51, 7012-7018.
Santis, N., Mendoza, F., Moyano, P., Pedreschi, F. & Dejmek, P. (2007). Soaking in a NaCl solution produce paler potato chips. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 40, 307-312.
Stadler, R. H., Blank, I., Varga, N., Robert, F., Hau, J., Guy, P. A., Robert, M. C. & Riediker, S. (2002). Acrylamide from Maillard reaction products. Nature, 419, 449-450.
Tareke, E., Rydberg, P., Karlsson, P., Eriksson, S. & Törnqvist, M. (2002). Analysis of acrylamide, a carcinogen formed in heated foodstuffs. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50, 4998-5006.
Urbancic, S., Kolar, M. H., Dimitrijevic, D., Demsar, L. & Vidrih, R. (2014). Stabilisation of sunflower oil and reduction of acrylamide formation of potato with rosemary extract during deep-fat frying. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 57, 671-678.
Yuan, Y., Chen, F., Zhao, G. H., Liu, J., Zhang, H. X. & Hu, X. S. (2007). A comparative study of acrylamide formation by microwave and conventional heating methods. Journal of Food Science, 72, C212-C216.
Zuo, S. H., Zhang, T., Jiang, B. & Mu, W. M. (2015). Reduction of acrylamide level through blanching with treatment by an extremely thermostable L-asparaginase during French fries processing. Extremophiles, 19, 841-851