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papaya jam, papaya pulp, protein, substitution, texture, whey
The objective of the present study was to elaborate papaya jam by substituting paneer whey at 5 % and 10 % level of papaya pulp. Physico-chemical, sensory, microbial and texture analysis were performed at 0th, 30th and 60th day of storage. Protein content and texture of jams were significantly improved due to whey substitution. During storage, the acidity of jam showed increase from 0.55 to 0.60 % and accordingly pH decreased from 3.41 to 3.08 without any significant difference. Reducing sugar of jam increased from 16.12 to 19.05 % and that of non-reducing sugar decreased from 45.12 to 42.07 % without any significant difference during the storage period of 60 days. Taken together, whey can be efficiently substituted in papaya jam to improve nutritive value and texture of the product.
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