Ultrasound Assisted Extraction of Lycopene and ?–carotene from Tomato Processing Wastes

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T. Yilmaz
S. Kumcuoglu
S. Tavman


HPLC analysis, lycopene and β-carotene, lycopene stability, ultrasound assisted extraction, tomato processing wastes


Tomato processing wastes are important source for carotenoids such as lycopene and ?-carotene. In this study, ultrasonic assisted extraction (UAE) of lycopene and ?-carotene from tomato processing wastes were investigated.

UAE was more effective and required shorter time than COSE even at low processing temperatures. Maximum lycopene yield was obtained using at 90 W ultrasonic power at 30 min extraction while maximum ?-carotene was recovered by 90 W ultrasonic power at 15 min.

HPLC analysis of both lycopene and ?-carotene were applied after 6 months storage and it was observed that there was 35±10% loss for lycopene during cold storage.

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