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biceps femoris muscle, crossbreeding, dry-cured ham, physicochemical characteristics, sensory properties.
We investigated how cross-breeding Celta pigs with Landrace and Duroc pigs affected the physico-chemical properties and sensory characteristics of the biceps femoris muscle during the manufacturing of dry-cured ham. The intramuscular fat (IMF) content was significantly (P<0.001) affected by cross-breed: the IMF content of hams from the Duroc x Celta crosses (13.9%) was higher than that of hams from pure-bred Celta pigs (8.0%), and the IMF content of hams from the Landrace x Celta crosses was intermediate (12.3%). Instrumental colour parameters were also slightly affected by cross-breed: hams from cross-bred pigs were yellower (CIE b*-value) and lighter (CIE L*-value) than hams from the pure-bred Celta pigs. At the end of the process, shear force did not differ significantly (P>0.05) between groups, although the values were lowest in hams from Duroc x Celta crosses. In sensory analysis, panellists described hams from cross-bred pigs as of softer texture (P<0.01) and juicier (P<0.01) than hams from the pure-bred Celta pigs.
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