Replacing milk fat with pumpkin seed oil in yogurt

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Amal Alshawi


dairy; fatty acids; linoleic acid; phenol; plant oil; sensory


This study explored the potential of pumpkin seed oil (PSO) in enhancing the health benefits of yogurt by partially replacing milk fat. Yogurt was produced with varying amounts of PSO—0.0, 1, 2, 3, and 4%—to replace milk fat. Yogurt with 2% PSO showed higher levels of unsaturated fatty acids, conjugated linoleic acid, total phenols, and antioxidants, while also showing reduced amounts of free fatty acids and peroxide values. Although the texture remained unchanged, we observed significant differences in color, flavor, and overall acceptability between treated yogurt and control group. As the PSO content increased, color, flavor, and the overall acceptability of yogurt decreased.

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