Nutraceutical potential of parsley (Petroselinum crispum Mill.): Comprehensive overview

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Waheeba E. Ahmed
Albandari A. Almutairi
Mona S. Almujaydil
Raya Algonaiman
Hassan Mirghani Mousa
Raghad M. Alhomaid


antioxidantes, plants, pasrsley, nutrition, public health, obesity


Leafy vegetables are widely recognized for their significant contribution to human health. Among them, parsley (Petroselinum crispum Mill.) is a promising herb with considerable potential to facilitate various favorable effects on health. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the health effects of parsley, highlighting its potential in promoting several health benefits. The available studies suggest that parsley possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, exhibits potential for diabetes management, demonstrates hepatoprotective and nephroprotective effects, and shows promise in terms of its potential anticancer properties, among other health-promoting effects. These beneficial effects are attributed to the presence of bioactive compounds in parsley, including phenolic acids and flavonoids, which contribute to its antioxidant capacity. Furthermore, parsley contains key bioactive substances, such as myricetin and apiol, which significantly contribute to its health-promoting properties. In addition, parsley is a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals, making it a valuable herb and a substantial reservoir of nutrients. In conclusion, incorporating parsley into daily diet can enhance overall well-being. Considering the individual variations in potential health benefits, it is crucial to seek guidance from healthcare professionals or nutritionists. This ensures a personalized and evidence-based approach to sustainably integrate parsley into individuals’ daily diets.

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