Production of novel low-sodium salty biscuits for DASH diet by using iceplant (Membryanthemum crystallinum) powder
Main Article Content
antioxidant activity; DPPH; iceplant powder; salty biscuits; sodium reduction; texture
This study is the first to investigate iceplant powder as a salt substitute in salty biscuits. Salty biscuits were prepared by substituting salt with different amounts of iceplant powder (ranging from 1.2 to 6%) and evaluated their physi-cal, sensory, chemical, and antioxidant properties. The initial amount of salt was replaced, and flour inclusion was adjusted to the original formulation. Using different amounts of iceplant powder during salty biscuit preparation caused several variations in technological (increased saltiness, width, and spread ratio and decreased weight and thickness), textural (decreased hardness and fracturability values), and color properties (decreased L* and a* and increased b*). Salty biscuits with 3% iceplant powder were the most widely accepted compared to others that con-tained iceplant powder. When salt was replaced with 3% iceplant powder, the moisture content increased (from 3.25 to 3.3%), and so did the crude protein (from 8.95 to 9.37%), ether extract (from 10.47 to 10.53%), crude fiber (from 0.51 to 1.06%), energy value (from 431.43 to 433.33 kcal/100 g), total carbohydrates (from 75.35 to 75.25%), total phenolics (from 0.07 to 9.31 mg GAE/g), and total flavonoids (from 0.08 to 11.69 mg QE/g). Salty biscuits with 3% iceplant powder had high antioxidant activity around 1.33 and 1.21 times greater than control by using ABST and DPPH methods, respectively. However, replacing 1.2% NaCl with 1.2 or 3% iceplant powder caused a reduction in the sodium content, 85.61 and 64.2%, respectively. Therefore, iceplant powder represents a promising salt replacer for enhancing food products, particularly for those seeking lower sodium options.
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