Effects of Carya cathayensis Sarg. and Torreya grandis nuts on the physicochemical properties and lactic acid bacteria of yogurt

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Dong Liu
Huayin Zhao
Gang Liu
Ming Ye
Xinhua Liu


Carya cathayensis Sarg.; Torreya grandis; Yogurt; physicochemical properties; lactic acid bacteria


Yogurts containing nuts were prepared by adding 2% or 5% Carya cathayensis Sarg. and Torreya grandis nuts and inoculating with 20 kinds of probiotics. Two nuts blend well with the yogurts, and they enrich the sensory quality of the yogurt, giving it the unique flavor of C. cathayensis Sarg. and T. grandis nuts, which significantly increase the nutritional value of yogurt, improve the viscosity and water holding capacity of yogurt. Both nuts are beneficial to the growth and reproduction of S. thermophilus, and L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus.


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