Sodium alginate edible films incorporating cactus pear extract: antimicrobial, chemical, and mechanical properties

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Saeed A. Asiri
Amal Matar
Ahmed Mahmoud Ismail
Hoda A. S. Farag


antimicrobial, antioxidant, cactus, film, mechanical characteristics, sodium alginate


The potential benefits of biodegradable and functional food packaging materials have garnered increasing attention in recent years. Sodium alginate (SA), a commonly utilized polysaccharide, is particularly noteworthy for producing biodegradable films for food packaging. This study aimed to investigate SA-based edible films enriched with various proportions of cactus pear peel extract (CPPE). We assessed the films and extracts for total phenolic content, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities, as well as mechanical properties. Cactus pear peels powder (CPPP) exhibited higher contents of total polyphenols (1243.82 mg GAE/100 g), total flavonoids (18.92 mg QE/100 g), and betalains (2.28 mg/100 g). The main constituents detected were catechol, pyrogallol, catechin, and alpha-coumaric acid, with concentrations of 1013.82, 223.45, 148.21, and 101.02 ppm, respectively, contributing about 45.71%, 9.85%, 6.54%, and 4.46% of the total phenolic compounds. The thickness of the SA films increased from 0.220 mm to 0.265 mm. The tensile strength values ranged from 1.98 to 3.12, while the elongation at break values for SA-CPPE films decreased relative to the plain SA film. Moreover, the inclusion of CPPE improved the barrier characteristics (with water vapor permeability values for SA films with 1%, 2%, and 3% CPPE ranging from 0.72 × 10−5 g•h−1•m−1•Pa−1 to 1.68 × 10−5 g•h−1•m−1•Pa−1) and induced variations in flexibility and resistance. The plain SA film did not exhibit any inhibitory activity against bacteria and fungi. However, the inclusion of CPPE in alginate films showed favorable antibacterial properties, which improved progressively with increasing CPPE concentration. These findings highlight the potential of incorporating active alginate-based films in food preservation.

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