Unveiling the carbon footprint of True Neapolitan Pizza: paving the way for eco-friendly practices in pizzerias

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Mauro Moresi https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4706-0129
Aniello Falciano
Alessio Cimini
Paolo Masi


carbon footprint, life cycle analysis, PAS 2050 standard method, True Neapolitan Pizza, typical pizza restaurant


This study investigated the environmental ramifications in the production and consumption of pizza. The PAS 2050 standard methodology was used to quantify the cradle-to-grave carbon footprint of a typical medium-sized Neapolitan pizzeria offering both table service and takeaway in cardboard boxes. A spectrum of sustainable practices capable of mitigating the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of pizzerias was analyzed. By accounting for consistent GHG emissions across specific life cycle phases—such as energy consumption, refrigerant gas leakage, detergent production, and wastewater treatment—it was possible to estimate the cradle-to-grave carbon footprint of different iterations of the True Neapolitan Pizza. For instance, the Marinara pizza had a carbon footprint of approximately 1.7 kg CO2e/kg while the Margherita pizza topped with mozzarella cheese registered roughly twice that figure. Moreover, garnishing the Margherita with buffalo mozzarella increased its carbon footprint to 4.2 kg CO2e/kg. This difference in environmental impact can be chiefly attributed to the condiments of vegetable or animal origin, with variations in protein and fat content significantly influencing the energy value of each pizza variant. These findings emphasized the importance of informed decisions for a greener culinary future, highlighting the critical role of ingredient choices in shaping the sustainability profile of pizza offerings.

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