Characteristics of apricot yogurt fermented with different culture straıns and stevıa

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Elif Özer


antioxidant activity, apricot pulp, EPS-producing culture, fruit yogurt


This study evaluated the effects of exopolysaccharide (EPS)-producing and non-EPS-producing culture varieties and the enriching of apricot pulp to the post-acidification process and microbiological, viscosity, antioxidant, and sensory properties of yogurt. Two groups of yogurts were produced in terms of culture variety. One of the yogurts in both groups was enriched with apricot pulp at a ratio of 10%. The natural sweetener, stevia, was added at a ratio of 0.1% to all yogurts. The lowest pH and highest acidity values were determined for the non-EPS sample produced without apricot pulp. The dry matter content of the yogurts was increased with whey protein powder. Between the yogurts produced with EPS-producing strains, the bacteria counts were higher for those enriched with apricot pulp. The highest Streptococcus thermophilus counts were determined for the sample produced with EPS-producing culture and apricot pulp at the beginning and end of the storage. Total phenolic content (TPC) was higher for the samples produced with conventional culture and enriched with apricot pulp. Similar results were observed in the antioxidant activity. Sensory attributes were considered taste, odor, appearance, texture, and overall acceptability. The yogurts produced with EPS-producing culture were preferred regarding taste, texture, and overall acceptability.

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