Fermented nondairy functional foods based on probiotics
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functional foods, nondairy-based products, probiotic
Functional foods containing probiotic bacteria are consumed worldwide. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), probiotics are living microorganisms that contribute to the host’s overall health when provided in adequate amounts. Fermented dairy products, especially yogurt and other dairy-based products, are good substrates for probiotic delivery. However, recently, consumers have begun to seek alternatives due to lactose intolerance and high fat and cholesterol contents. Moreover, the growing vegetarianism has increased the demand for nondairy probiotic foods. Thus worldwide, researchers are studying probiotic bacteria feasibility in nondairy products, including fruits, vegetables, and cereals. This study aims to give an overview of various nondairy based products that contain probiotic bacterial strains available worldwide based on fruits, vegetables, cereals, chocolate-based products, and meat products. Moreover, the latest globally available commercial products are also summarized.
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