Health benefits of co-supplementing mealworm protein hydrolysate and cranberry fruit extract

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Jae Hong Park
Sang In Lee
Woo Sung Kwon
Sungbo Cho
In Ho Kim


cranberry, extracts, immunity, inflammation, mealworm, microbiota


The demand for valuable protein sources is increasing. The mealworm has been highlighted as a good source of protein. Nevertheless, beneficial effects of mealworm such as the antioxidative and/or anti-inflammatory effects are rarely studied. It is well-known that cranberry fruit has a strong antioxidant effect. The biologically active compounds in mealworm and cranberry could boost the antioxidative and/or anti-inflammatory effects. The current study investigated the interactive effects of mealworm protein hydrolysate (MWPH) and cranberry fruit extract (CFE) in mammals. We evaluated growth performance, relative organ weight, immune responses, antioxidant enzyme activities, blood properties, and fecal microflora. A 2 × 2 factorial experimental design was used. The co-supplementation of MWPH and CFE improved serum glutathione peroxidase. MWPH affected a lower serum IL-1β and fecal Clostridium density. The co-supplementation appeared more effective in terms of good health and potentially the prevention of disease.

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