Nutrigenomics: linking food to genome

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Asma Jabeen
Geetika Malik
Javid Iqbal Mir
Rozy Rasool


gene, interaction, micronutrients, nutrigenomics, nutrition


Nutrigenomics has an undoubtedly immeasurable potential for revamping human health. It has become an important regimen due to its consequential role in medical and nutritional sciences. It is an interdisciplinary science that amalgamates the information from physiology, pathology, genetics, molecular biology, and nutrition to establish the effects of ingested nutrients on expression and regulation of genes. The ultimate aim of nutrigenomics is to ascertain the nutritional requirement of an individual in accordance with genetic makeup. Moreover, it aims to purvey treatment in the management of certain ailments having a dietary role based on individual’s genomic profile. Therefore, vast research in the field of nutritional genomics is a dire need to make people aware regarding their health and diet relationship. Here, we have given an overview of nutrigenomics coupled with novel technologies to produce utilitarian information for health professionals and researchers by divulging certain properties that interfere with the genomic machinery.

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