Optimization of producing functional sponge cake using a combination extract of green tea, white tea, and ginger

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Zohreh Pourzafar
Amir Hossein Elhamirad
Masoud Shafafi Zenoozian
Mohammad Armin


ginger, response surface methodology, sponge cake, tea


Plant extracts play an important role in improving the quality properties and enhancing the shelf life of food products. In the present study, different concentrations of green tea (0–2%), white tea (0–2%), and ginger (0 to 1.5%) extracts were used to formulate a sponge cake. Response surface methodology was used to investigate cake quality attributes. For each response, a second-order polynomial model with high coefficient of determination (R2; >0.95) was developed using multiple linear regression analysis. The overall optimum area with high stability was found at a combined level of green tea (1.44%), white tea (1.71%), and ginger (0.75%) extracts.

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