Qualitative characteristics of four Sicilian monofloral honeys from Apis mellifera ssp. sicula
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colour, honey, sensory analysis, Sicilian black bee
Four monofloral honeys, obtained from the Sicilian black bee by foraging on thistle, sulla, chestnut and eucalyptus, were studied. Results showed that the phenolic composition of chestnut honey was the highest (316 mg gallic acid equivalent GAE/kg), while that of sulla honey was the lowest (122 mg GAE/kg). Data confirmed a correlation between the total phenol content and colour intensity in chestnut honey, which was the darkest of the four samples. Sulla honey showed the highest antioxidant activity, while eucalyptus honey had the highest mineral content (K, Ca, Mg, and Na). Thistle honey showed the most intense floral and fruity aromas, as well as an intense -yellow colour. Principal component analysis showed the potential to discriminate different honeys in three different quadrants.
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