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papaya, minimally processing, enzymes, color, antioxidant, packaging
In this study, the effects of cold storage (5±0.5°C and relative humidity of 90±1%) on the quality of fresh papaya slices packed in a passive atmosphere with a semi-permeable film were evaluated. Physico-chemical traits such as total soluble solids, reducing sugar, pH increased during storage as well as the polyphenols, carotenoid content and antioxidant activity that reaching the highest values at end of trials. Changes in colorimetric parameters resulted in a significant decrease after 4 days of hue angle values, which then remained constant. The cutting process enhanced the antioxidant enzymes activity such as superoxide dismutase, catalase and ascorbate peroxidase. The analysis of the main components showed physical-chemical, qualitative, and enzymatic changes in papaya samples during cold storage, showing a shift from negative to positive values along the PC1 and indicating a qualitative decay of sliced papaya.
Adiletta G., Petriccione M., Liguori L., Zampella L., Mastrobuoni F. and Di Matteo M. 2019. Overall quality and antioxidant enzymes of ready-to-eat ‘Purple Queen’ pomegranate arils during cold storage. Postharvest Biol.Tec.155:20-28.
Adiletta G., Petriccione M., Liguori L., Pizzolongo F., Romano R. and Di Matteo M. 2018a. Study of pomological traits and physico-chemical quality of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) genotypes grown in Italy. Eur. Food Res. Technol. 244(8):1427-1438.
Adiletta G., Pasquariello M.S., Zampella L., Mastrobuoni F., Scortichini M. and Petriccione M. 2018b. Chitosan Coating: A Postharvest Treatment to Delay Oxidative Stress in Loquat Fruits during Cold Storage. Agron. J. 8:54.
Ali A., Kying Ong M. and Forney C.F. 2014. Effect of ozone pre-conditioning on quality and antioxidant capacity of papaya fruit during ambient storage. Food Chem.142:19-26.
Basulto F.S., Duch E.S., Espadas F., Plaza R.D., Saavedra A.L. and Santamaría J.M. 2009. Postharvest ripening and maturity indices for Maradol papaya. Interciencia 34:583-588.
Cinquanta L., Albanese D., Fratianni A., La Fianza G. and Di Matteo M. 2013. Antioxidant activity and sensory attributes of tomatoes dehydrated by combination of microwave and convective heating Agro Food Ind. Hi Tech.24 (6) 35-38.
Codex Stan 183-1993, Standard for Papaya, FAO Revised 2001.
Fajar Falah M.A., Nadine M.D. and Suryandono A. 2015. Effects of storage conditions on quality and shelf-life of fesh-cut melon (Cucumis melo L.) and papaya (Carica papaya L.). Procedia Food Sci.3:313-322.
Farina V., Tinebra I., Perrone A., Sortino G., Palazzolo E., Mannino G. and Gentile C. 2020a. Physicochemical, Nutraceutical and Sensory Traits of Six Papaya (Carica papaya L.) Cultivars Grown in Greenhouse Conditions in the Mediterranean Climate. Agron. J. 10:501.
Farina V., Passafiume R., Tinebra I., Scuderi D., Saletta F., Gugliuzza G. and Sortino G. 2020b. Postharvest Application of Aloe vera Gel-Based Edible Coating to Improve the Quality and Storage Stability of Fresh-Cut Papaya. J. Food Qual.1-10.
Farina V., Cinquanta L., Vella F., Niro S., Panfili G., Metallo A., Cuccurullo G. and Corona O. 2020c. Evolution of Carotenoids, Sensory Profiles and Volatile Compounds in Microwave-Dried Fruits of Three Different Loquat Cultivars (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.). Plant Foods Hum. Nutr. DOI:
Farina V., Barone F., Mazzaglia A. and Lanza C.M. 2011. Evaluation of fruit quality in loquat using both chemical and sensory analyses. Acta Hortic. 887:345-350.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2016. FAOSTAT Database. Rome, Italy, FAO
Gayosso-Garcia Sancho L.E., Yahia E.M. and Gonzalez-Aguilar G.A. 2011. Identification and quantification of phenols, carotenoids, and vitamin C from papaya (Carica papaya L., cv. Maradol) fruit determined by HPLC-DAD-MS/MS-ESI. Food Res.Int.44:1284-1291.
Gentile C., Di Gregorio E., Di Stefano V., Mannino G., Perrone A., Avellone G. and Farina V. 2019. Food quality and nutraceutical value of nine cultivars of mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruits grown in Mediterranean subtropical environment. Food Chem.277:471-479.
Goffi V., Magri A., Botondi R. and Petriccione M. 2020. Response of antioxidant system to postharvest ozone treatment in ‘Soreli’ kiwifruit. J. Sci. Food Agric. 100(3):961-968.
Gonzalez-Aguilar G.A., Valenzuela-Soto E., Lizardi-Mendoza J., Goycoolea F., Martinez-Tellez M.A . et al. 2009. Effect of chitosan coating in preventing deterioration and preserving the quality of fresh-cut papaya ‘Maradol’.J. Sci. Food Agric. 89:15-23.
Hodges D.M. and Toivonen P.M.A. 2008. Quality of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables as affected by exposure to abiotic stress. Review. Postharvest Biol. Tec. 48:155-162.
Jacobo-Velazquez D.A., González-Agüero M. and Cisneros-Zevallos L. 2015. Crosstalk between signaling pathways: the link between plant secondary metabolite production and wounding stress response. Sci. Rep. 5:8608.
Jacobo-Velázquez D.A., Martínez-Hernández G.B., Rodríguez S.D.C., Cao C.M. and Cisneros-Zevallos L. 2011. Plants as biofactories: physiological role of reactive oxygen species on the accumulation of phenolic antioxidants in carrot tissue under wounding andhyperoxia stress. J. Agric.Food Chem. 59:6583-6593.
Jacxsens L., Devlieghere F. and Debevere J. 2002. Temperature dependence of shelf-life as affected by microbial proliferation and sensory quality of equilibrium modified atmosphere packaged fresh produce. Postharvest Biol.Tec. 26(1):59-73.
Jacxsens L., Devlieghere F., Ragaert P., Vanneste E. and Debevere J. 2003. Relation between microbiological quality, metabolite production and sensory quality of equilibrium modified atmosphere packaged fresh-cut produce. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 83(3):263-280.
James J.B., Ngarmsak T. and Rolle R.S. 2010. Processing of fresh-cut tropical fruits and vegetables: A technical guide. RAP Publication (FAO) 2010/16, Bangkok.
Jayathunge K.G.L.R., Gunawardhana D.K.S.N., Illeperuma D.C.K., Chandrajith U.G., Thilakarathne B.M.K.S., Fernando M.D. and Palipane K.B. 2014. Physico-chemical and sensory quality of fresh cut papaya (Carica papaya) packaged in micro-perforated polyvinyl chloride containers. J. Food Sci. Technol. 51(12):3918-3925.
Karakurt Y. and Huber D.J. 2003. Activities of several membrane and cell-wall hydrolyses, ethylene biosynthetic enzymes, and cell wall polyuronide degradation during low-temperature storage of intact and fresh-cut papaya (Carica papaya) fruit. Postharvest Biol. Tec. 28:219-229.
Li X., Li M., Han C., Jin P. and Zheng Y. 2017. Increased temperature elicits higher phenolic accumulation in fresh-cut pitaya fruit. Postharvest Biol.Tec.129:90-96.
Luo H., Li Z., Jiang J. And Yu Z. 2012. Quality changes of whole and fresh-cut Zizania latifolia during refrigerated (1°C) storage. Food Bioprocess Tech. 5:1411-1415.
Magri A., Adiletta G. and Petriccione M. 2020. Evaluation of antioxidant systems and ascorbate-glutathione cycle in feijoa edible flowers at different flowering stages. Foods 9:95.
Mittler R. 2002. Oxidative stress, antioxidants and stress tolerance. Trends Plant Sci. 7:405-410.
Niro S., Fratianni A., Panfili G., Falasca L., Cinquanta L. and Alam R.MD. 2017. Nutritional evaluation of fresh and dried goji berries cultivated in Italy. Ital. J. Food Sci. 29:398-408
Pal R.K., Ahmad M.S., Roy S.K. and Singh M. 2004. Influence of storage environment, surface coating, and individual shrink wrapping on quality assurance of guava (Psidium guajava) fruits. Plant Foods Hum. Nutr. 59:67-72.
Petriccione M., Pasquariello M.S., Mastrobuoni F., Zampella L., Di Patre D. and Scortichini M. 2015. Influence of a chitosan coating on the quality and nutraceutical traits of loquat fruit during postharvest life. Sci.Hortic.197:287-296.
Rivera-López J., Vázquez-Ortiz F.A., Ayala-Zavala J.F., Sotelo-Mundo R.R. and González-Aguilar G.A. 2005. Cutting shape and storage temperature affect overall quality of fresh-cut papaya cv.‘Maradol’. J. Food Sci. 70(7): s482-s489.
Shen Y.H., Yang F.Y., Lu B.G., Zhao W.W., Jiang T., Feng L,. Chen X.J. and Ming R. 2019. Exploring the differential mechanisms of carotenoid biosynthesis in the yellow peel and red flesh of papaya. BMC Genomics 20:49.
Souza M.P., Vaz A.F.M., Cerqueira M.A., Texeira J.A., Vicente A.A. and Carneiro-da-Cunha M.G. 2015. Effect of an edible nanomultilayer coating by electrostatic self-assembly on the shelf life of fresh-cut mangoes. Food Bioprocess Tech. 8:647-654.
Supapvanich S., Sungkra P. and Phunphed J. 2020. Effects of pre-process elicitor immersion on the physicochemical qualities of fresh-cut papaya fruits cv. ‘Holland’ during cold storage. IJAT 16(1):163-174.
Waghmare R.B. and Annapure U.S. 2013. Combined effect of chemical treatment and/or modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on quality of fresh-cut papaya. Postharvest Biol. Tec. 85:147-153.
Wellburn A.R. 1994 The Spectral determination of chlorophylls a and b, as well as total carotenoids, using various solvents with spectrophotometers of different resolution. J. Plant Physiol. 144(3):307-313.
Wu Z., Tu M., Yang X., Xu J. and Yu Z. 2019. Effect of cutting on the reactive oxygen species accumulation and energy change in postharvest melon fruit during storage. Sci. Hortic. 257:108752.
Yahia E.M. 2011. Postharvest biology and technology of tropical and subtropical fruits: fundamental issues. Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge.
Yousuf B. and Srivastava A.K. 2015. Psyllium (Plantago) Gum as an Effective Edible Coating to Improve Quality and Shelf Life of Fresh-cut Papaya (Carica papaya). IJSRIT 9(7):702-707.
Zuhair R.A., Aminah A., Sahilah A.M. and Eqbal D. 2013. Antioxidant activity and physicochemical properties changes of papaya (Carica papaya L. cv. Hongkong) during different ripening stage. Int. Food Res. J. 20(4):1653.
Zuhair R.A., Aminah A., Sahilah A.M. and Khalid H.M. 2016 Evaluation of fruit leather made from two cultivars of papaya Ital. J.Food Sci. 28:73-82.
Adiletta G., Petriccione M., Liguori L., Pizzolongo F., Romano R. and Di Matteo M. 2018a. Study of pomological traits and physico-chemical quality of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) genotypes grown in Italy. Eur. Food Res. Technol. 244(8):1427-1438.
Adiletta G., Pasquariello M.S., Zampella L., Mastrobuoni F., Scortichini M. and Petriccione M. 2018b. Chitosan Coating: A Postharvest Treatment to Delay Oxidative Stress in Loquat Fruits during Cold Storage. Agron. J. 8:54.
Ali A., Kying Ong M. and Forney C.F. 2014. Effect of ozone pre-conditioning on quality and antioxidant capacity of papaya fruit during ambient storage. Food Chem.142:19-26.
Basulto F.S., Duch E.S., Espadas F., Plaza R.D., Saavedra A.L. and Santamaría J.M. 2009. Postharvest ripening and maturity indices for Maradol papaya. Interciencia 34:583-588.
Cinquanta L., Albanese D., Fratianni A., La Fianza G. and Di Matteo M. 2013. Antioxidant activity and sensory attributes of tomatoes dehydrated by combination of microwave and convective heating Agro Food Ind. Hi Tech.24 (6) 35-38.
Codex Stan 183-1993, Standard for Papaya, FAO Revised 2001.
Fajar Falah M.A., Nadine M.D. and Suryandono A. 2015. Effects of storage conditions on quality and shelf-life of fesh-cut melon (Cucumis melo L.) and papaya (Carica papaya L.). Procedia Food Sci.3:313-322.
Farina V., Tinebra I., Perrone A., Sortino G., Palazzolo E., Mannino G. and Gentile C. 2020a. Physicochemical, Nutraceutical and Sensory Traits of Six Papaya (Carica papaya L.) Cultivars Grown in Greenhouse Conditions in the Mediterranean Climate. Agron. J. 10:501.
Farina V., Passafiume R., Tinebra I., Scuderi D., Saletta F., Gugliuzza G. and Sortino G. 2020b. Postharvest Application of Aloe vera Gel-Based Edible Coating to Improve the Quality and Storage Stability of Fresh-Cut Papaya. J. Food Qual.1-10.
Farina V., Cinquanta L., Vella F., Niro S., Panfili G., Metallo A., Cuccurullo G. and Corona O. 2020c. Evolution of Carotenoids, Sensory Profiles and Volatile Compounds in Microwave-Dried Fruits of Three Different Loquat Cultivars (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.). Plant Foods Hum. Nutr. DOI:
Farina V., Barone F., Mazzaglia A. and Lanza C.M. 2011. Evaluation of fruit quality in loquat using both chemical and sensory analyses. Acta Hortic. 887:345-350.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2016. FAOSTAT Database. Rome, Italy, FAO
Gayosso-Garcia Sancho L.E., Yahia E.M. and Gonzalez-Aguilar G.A. 2011. Identification and quantification of phenols, carotenoids, and vitamin C from papaya (Carica papaya L., cv. Maradol) fruit determined by HPLC-DAD-MS/MS-ESI. Food Res.Int.44:1284-1291.
Gentile C., Di Gregorio E., Di Stefano V., Mannino G., Perrone A., Avellone G. and Farina V. 2019. Food quality and nutraceutical value of nine cultivars of mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruits grown in Mediterranean subtropical environment. Food Chem.277:471-479.
Goffi V., Magri A., Botondi R. and Petriccione M. 2020. Response of antioxidant system to postharvest ozone treatment in ‘Soreli’ kiwifruit. J. Sci. Food Agric. 100(3):961-968.
Gonzalez-Aguilar G.A., Valenzuela-Soto E., Lizardi-Mendoza J., Goycoolea F., Martinez-Tellez M.A . et al. 2009. Effect of chitosan coating in preventing deterioration and preserving the quality of fresh-cut papaya ‘Maradol’.J. Sci. Food Agric. 89:15-23.
Hodges D.M. and Toivonen P.M.A. 2008. Quality of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables as affected by exposure to abiotic stress. Review. Postharvest Biol. Tec. 48:155-162.
Jacobo-Velazquez D.A., González-Agüero M. and Cisneros-Zevallos L. 2015. Crosstalk between signaling pathways: the link between plant secondary metabolite production and wounding stress response. Sci. Rep. 5:8608.
Jacobo-Velázquez D.A., Martínez-Hernández G.B., Rodríguez S.D.C., Cao C.M. and Cisneros-Zevallos L. 2011. Plants as biofactories: physiological role of reactive oxygen species on the accumulation of phenolic antioxidants in carrot tissue under wounding andhyperoxia stress. J. Agric.Food Chem. 59:6583-6593.
Jacxsens L., Devlieghere F. and Debevere J. 2002. Temperature dependence of shelf-life as affected by microbial proliferation and sensory quality of equilibrium modified atmosphere packaged fresh produce. Postharvest Biol.Tec. 26(1):59-73.
Jacxsens L., Devlieghere F., Ragaert P., Vanneste E. and Debevere J. 2003. Relation between microbiological quality, metabolite production and sensory quality of equilibrium modified atmosphere packaged fresh-cut produce. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 83(3):263-280.
James J.B., Ngarmsak T. and Rolle R.S. 2010. Processing of fresh-cut tropical fruits and vegetables: A technical guide. RAP Publication (FAO) 2010/16, Bangkok.
Jayathunge K.G.L.R., Gunawardhana D.K.S.N., Illeperuma D.C.K., Chandrajith U.G., Thilakarathne B.M.K.S., Fernando M.D. and Palipane K.B. 2014. Physico-chemical and sensory quality of fresh cut papaya (Carica papaya) packaged in micro-perforated polyvinyl chloride containers. J. Food Sci. Technol. 51(12):3918-3925.
Karakurt Y. and Huber D.J. 2003. Activities of several membrane and cell-wall hydrolyses, ethylene biosynthetic enzymes, and cell wall polyuronide degradation during low-temperature storage of intact and fresh-cut papaya (Carica papaya) fruit. Postharvest Biol. Tec. 28:219-229.
Li X., Li M., Han C., Jin P. and Zheng Y. 2017. Increased temperature elicits higher phenolic accumulation in fresh-cut pitaya fruit. Postharvest Biol.Tec.129:90-96.
Luo H., Li Z., Jiang J. And Yu Z. 2012. Quality changes of whole and fresh-cut Zizania latifolia during refrigerated (1°C) storage. Food Bioprocess Tech. 5:1411-1415.
Magri A., Adiletta G. and Petriccione M. 2020. Evaluation of antioxidant systems and ascorbate-glutathione cycle in feijoa edible flowers at different flowering stages. Foods 9:95.
Mittler R. 2002. Oxidative stress, antioxidants and stress tolerance. Trends Plant Sci. 7:405-410.
Niro S., Fratianni A., Panfili G., Falasca L., Cinquanta L. and Alam R.MD. 2017. Nutritional evaluation of fresh and dried goji berries cultivated in Italy. Ital. J. Food Sci. 29:398-408
Pal R.K., Ahmad M.S., Roy S.K. and Singh M. 2004. Influence of storage environment, surface coating, and individual shrink wrapping on quality assurance of guava (Psidium guajava) fruits. Plant Foods Hum. Nutr. 59:67-72.
Petriccione M., Pasquariello M.S., Mastrobuoni F., Zampella L., Di Patre D. and Scortichini M. 2015. Influence of a chitosan coating on the quality and nutraceutical traits of loquat fruit during postharvest life. Sci.Hortic.197:287-296.
Rivera-López J., Vázquez-Ortiz F.A., Ayala-Zavala J.F., Sotelo-Mundo R.R. and González-Aguilar G.A. 2005. Cutting shape and storage temperature affect overall quality of fresh-cut papaya cv.‘Maradol’. J. Food Sci. 70(7): s482-s489.
Shen Y.H., Yang F.Y., Lu B.G., Zhao W.W., Jiang T., Feng L,. Chen X.J. and Ming R. 2019. Exploring the differential mechanisms of carotenoid biosynthesis in the yellow peel and red flesh of papaya. BMC Genomics 20:49.
Souza M.P., Vaz A.F.M., Cerqueira M.A., Texeira J.A., Vicente A.A. and Carneiro-da-Cunha M.G. 2015. Effect of an edible nanomultilayer coating by electrostatic self-assembly on the shelf life of fresh-cut mangoes. Food Bioprocess Tech. 8:647-654.
Supapvanich S., Sungkra P. and Phunphed J. 2020. Effects of pre-process elicitor immersion on the physicochemical qualities of fresh-cut papaya fruits cv. ‘Holland’ during cold storage. IJAT 16(1):163-174.
Waghmare R.B. and Annapure U.S. 2013. Combined effect of chemical treatment and/or modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on quality of fresh-cut papaya. Postharvest Biol. Tec. 85:147-153.
Wellburn A.R. 1994 The Spectral determination of chlorophylls a and b, as well as total carotenoids, using various solvents with spectrophotometers of different resolution. J. Plant Physiol. 144(3):307-313.
Wu Z., Tu M., Yang X., Xu J. and Yu Z. 2019. Effect of cutting on the reactive oxygen species accumulation and energy change in postharvest melon fruit during storage. Sci. Hortic. 257:108752.
Yahia E.M. 2011. Postharvest biology and technology of tropical and subtropical fruits: fundamental issues. Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge.
Yousuf B. and Srivastava A.K. 2015. Psyllium (Plantago) Gum as an Effective Edible Coating to Improve Quality and Shelf Life of Fresh-cut Papaya (Carica papaya). IJSRIT 9(7):702-707.
Zuhair R.A., Aminah A., Sahilah A.M. and Eqbal D. 2013. Antioxidant activity and physicochemical properties changes of papaya (Carica papaya L. cv. Hongkong) during different ripening stage. Int. Food Res. J. 20(4):1653.
Zuhair R.A., Aminah A., Sahilah A.M. and Khalid H.M. 2016 Evaluation of fruit leather made from two cultivars of papaya Ital. J.Food Sci. 28:73-82.