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Larimichthys crocea roe, phospholipid molecular species, lipid content, roasting temperature
This study aims to clarify the changes with roasting temperature in the lipid content of ready-to-eat large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea) roe product. Almost all the lipid class/species showed the same trend with the increasing temperature. Except for some minor differences, the relative amounts of lipids decreased with temperature increase from 0°C (control group, raw roe) to 100°C; increased with further temperature increase to 120°C, at which the amount was maximum; and then decreased with further temperature increase to 180°C. Finally, 120°C was selected as the optimal processing temperature, which may result in a better appearance and a high lipid quality, indicating its potential application value. This study also enhances the understanding of lipid profile in fish roe and demonstrates the applicability of the lipidomic method in aquatic food production.
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Balaswamy K., Rao G.P., Rao G.N., Rao D.G. and Jyothirmayi T. 2009. Physicochemical composition and functional properties of roes from some fresh water fish species and their application in some foods. Electron. J. Environ. Agric. Food Chem. 8: 806-812.
Basconcillo L.S., Zaheer R., Finan T.M. and McCarry B.E. 2009. A shotgun lipidomics approach in Sinorhizobium meliloti as a tool in functional genomics. J. Lipid Res. 50:1120-1132.
Bledsoe G.E., Bledsoe C.D. and Rasco B. 2003. Caviars and fish roe products. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. 43:317-356.
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Chen S., Su Y. and Hong W. 2018. Aquaculture of the large yellow croaker. John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NJ (Eds.)., Aquaculture in China: success stories and modern trends (pp.297-308). DOI:
Clark P.K. and Snyder H.E. 1991. Effect of moisture and temperature on the phosphorus content of crude soybean oil extracted from fine flour. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 68:814-817.
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De Lima M.S.A., Rocha L.A., Molina E.F., Caetano B.L., Marçal L. and Mello C. 2008. Thermoanalysis of soybean oil extracted by two methods. Quím. Nova. 31:527-529.
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Laaksonen R., Katajamaa M., Paiva H., Sysi-Aho M., Saarinen L., Junni P., Lutjohann D., Smet J., Van Coster R., Seppanen-Laakso T., Lehtimaki T., Soini J. and Oresic M. 2006. A systems biology strategy reveals biological pathways and plasma biomarker candidates for potentially toxic statin-induced changes in muscle. Plos One 1: e97. DOI:
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Liang P., Cheng X., Xu Y., Cheng W. and Chen L. 2017a. Determination of fatty acids composition and phospholipid molecular species of large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea) roe from China. J. Aquat. Food Prod. Technol. 26:1259-1265.
Liang P., Zhang M., Cheng W., Lin W. and Chen L. 2017b. Proteomic analysis of the effect of DHA-phospholipids from large yellow croaker roe on hyperlipidemic mice. J. Agric. Food Chem. 65:5107-5113.
Liang P., Li R., Sun H., Zhang M., Cheng W., Chen L., Cheng X. and Akoh C.C. 2018. Phospholipids composition and molecular species of large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea) roe. Food Chem. 245:806-811.
Liu Z., Ezernieks V., Wang J., Arachchillage N.W., Garner J.B., Wales W.J., Cocks B.G. and Rochfort S. 2017. Heat stress in dairy cattle alters lipid composition of milk. Sci. Rep.7:1-10.
Mahmoud K.A., Linder M., Fanni J. and Parmentier M. 2008. Characterisation of the lipid fractions obtained by proteolytic and chemical extractions from rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) roe. Process Biochem. (Oxford, U. K.). 43:376-383.
Matsuda H., Llave Y., Fukuoka M. and Sakai N. 2013. Color changes in fish during grilling –Influences of heat transfer and heatingmedium on browning color. J. Food Eng. 116:130-137.
Merrill A.H.J. 2011. Sphingolipid and glycosphingolipid metabolic pathways in the era of sphingolipidomics. Chem. Rev.111:6387-6422.
Mondy N.I. and Mueller T.O. 1977. The effect of cooking methods on the lipid composition of potatoes. Am. Potato J. 54:203-210.
Nakamura M., Mao W., Fukuoka M. and Sakai N. 2011. Analysis of the color change infish during the grilling process. Food Sci. Technol. Res. 17:471-478.
Ozogul Y., Ozogul F. and Alagoz S. 2007. Fatty acid profiles and fat contents of commercially important seawater and freshwater fish species of Turkey: A comparative study. Food Chem. 103:217-223.
Rosa A., Scano P., Atzeri A., Deiana M., Mereu S. and Dessi M.A. 2012. Effect of storage conditions on lipid components and color of Mugil cephalus processed roes. J. Food Sci.77:107-114.
Saliu F., Leoni B. and Della Pergola R. 2017. Lipid classes and fatty acids composition of the roe of wild Silurus glanis from subalpine freshwater. Food Chem. 232:163-168.
Saliu F., Magoni C., Lasagni M., Della Pergola R. and Labra M. 2019. Multi?analytical characterization of perigonadal fat in bluefin tuna: from waste to marine lipid source. J. Sci. Food Agric.99:4571-4579.
Shirai N., Higuchi T. and Suzuki H. 2006. Analysis of lipid classes and the fatty acid composition of the salted fish roe food products, Ikura, Tarako, Tobikoand Kazunoko. Food Chem. 94:61-67.
Suzumura M. 2005. Phospholipids in marine environments: A review. Talanta. 66:422-434.
Vujasinovic V., Djilas S., Dimic E., Basic Z. and Radocaj O. 2012. The effect of roasting on the chemical composition and oxidative stability of pumpkin oil.Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 114:568-574.
Wang Q., Xue C., Li Z. and Xu J. 2008. Analysis of DHA-rich phospholipids from egg of squid Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis. J. Food Compos. Anal. 21:356-359.
Wang Y. and Zhang H. 2011. Tracking phospholipid profiling of muscle from Ctennopharyngodon idellus during storage by shotgun lipidomics. J. Agric. Food Chem. 59:11635-11642.
Yan X., Li H., Xu J. and Zhou C. 2010. Analysis of phospholipids in microalga Nitzschia closterium by UPLC-Q-TOF-MS. Chin. J. Oceanol. Limnol.28:106-112.
Yoshida H., Hirakawa Y. and Abe S. 2001a. Influence of microwave roasting on positional distribution of fatty acids of triacylglycerols and phospholipids in sunflower seeds (Helianthus annuus L.). Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 103: 201-207.
Yoshida H., Hirakawa Y. and Abe S. 2001b. Roasting influences on molecular species of triacylglycerols in sunflower seeds (Helianthus annuus L.). Food Res. Int. 34:613-619.
Yoshida H., Hirakawa Y., Tomiyama Y., Nagamizu T. and Mizushina Y. 2005. Fatty acid distributions of triacylglycerols and phospholipids in peanut seeds (Arachis hypogaea L.) following microwave treatment. J. Food Compos. Anal.18:3-14.
Yoshida H., Matsuda K., Hirakawa Y. and Mizushina Y. 2003. Roasting effects on the distribution of tocopherols and phospholipids within each structural part and section of soybeans. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc.80:665-674.
Zhao Y.Y., Wu S.P., Liu S., Zhang Y. and Lin R.C. 2014. Ultra-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry as a sensitive and powerful technology in lipidomic applications. Chem.-Biol. Interact. 220:181-192.
Ambrosewicz-Walacik M., Tanska M. and Rotkiewicz D. 2015. Phospholipids of rapeseeds and rapeseed oils: factors determining their content and technological significance. A review. Food Rev. Int. 31:385-400.
Balaswamy K., Rao G.P., Rao G.N., Rao D.G. and Jyothirmayi T. 2009. Physicochemical composition and functional properties of roes from some fresh water fish species and their application in some foods. Electron. J. Environ. Agric. Food Chem. 8: 806-812.
Basconcillo L.S., Zaheer R., Finan T.M. and McCarry B.E. 2009. A shotgun lipidomics approach in Sinorhizobium meliloti as a tool in functional genomics. J. Lipid Res. 50:1120-1132.
Bledsoe G.E., Bledsoe C.D. and Rasco B. 2003. Caviars and fish roe products. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. 43:317-356.
Burri L., Hoem N., Banni S. and Berge K. 2012. Marine omega-3 phospholipids: metabolism and biological activities. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 13:15401-15419.
Chen S., Su Y. and Hong W. 2018. Aquaculture of the large yellow croaker. John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NJ (Eds.)., Aquaculture in China: success stories and modern trends (pp.297-308). DOI:
Clark P.K. and Snyder H.E. 1991. Effect of moisture and temperature on the phosphorus content of crude soybean oil extracted from fine flour. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 68:814-817.
Cossignani L., Simonetti M.S., Neri A. and Damiani P. 1998. Changes in olive oil composition due to microwave heating. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 75:931-937.
De Lima M.S.A., Rocha L.A., Molina E.F., Caetano B.L., Marçal L. and Mello C. 2008. Thermoanalysis of soybean oil extracted by two methods. Quím. Nova. 31:527-529.
Deutsch L. 2007. Evaluation of the effect of Neptune krill oil on chronic inflammation and arthritic symptoms. J. Am. Coll. Nutr. 26:39-48.
Fritsch C.W. 1981. Measurements of frying fat deterioration: A brief review. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 58:272-274.
Hayashi H., Tanaka Y., Hibino H., Umeda Y., Kawamitsu H., Fujimoto H. and Amakawa T. 1999. Beneficial effect of salmon roe phosphatidylcholine in chronic liver disease. Curr. Med. Res. Opin. 15:177-184.
Hossain Z., Hosokawa M. and Takahashi K. 2009. Growth inhibition and induction of apoptosis of colon cancer cell lines by applying marine phospholipid. Nutr. Cancer.61:123-130.
Igene J.O., Pearson A.M. and Gray J.I. 1981. Effects of length of frozen storage, cooking and holding temperatures upon component phospholipids and the fatty acid composition of meat triglycerides and phospholipids. Food Chem.7:289-303.
Laaksonen R., Katajamaa M., Paiva H., Sysi-Aho M., Saarinen L., Junni P., Lutjohann D., Smet J., Van Coster R., Seppanen-Laakso T., Lehtimaki T., Soini J. and Oresic M. 2006. A systems biology strategy reveals biological pathways and plasma biomarker candidates for potentially toxic statin-induced changes in muscle. Plos One 1: e97. DOI:
Lee W.T. and Dawson L.E. 1976. Changes in phospholipids in chicken tissues during cooling in fresh and reused cooking oil, and during frozen storage. J. Food Sci. 41:598-600.
Lee Y.C., Oh S.W., Chang J. and Kim I.H. 2004. Chemical composition and oxidative stability of safflower oil prepared from safflower seed roasted with different temperatures. Food Chem. 84:1-6.
Liang P., Cheng X., Xu Y., Cheng W. and Chen L. 2017a. Determination of fatty acids composition and phospholipid molecular species of large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea) roe from China. J. Aquat. Food Prod. Technol. 26:1259-1265.
Liang P., Zhang M., Cheng W., Lin W. and Chen L. 2017b. Proteomic analysis of the effect of DHA-phospholipids from large yellow croaker roe on hyperlipidemic mice. J. Agric. Food Chem. 65:5107-5113.
Liang P., Li R., Sun H., Zhang M., Cheng W., Chen L., Cheng X. and Akoh C.C. 2018. Phospholipids composition and molecular species of large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea) roe. Food Chem. 245:806-811.
Liu Z., Ezernieks V., Wang J., Arachchillage N.W., Garner J.B., Wales W.J., Cocks B.G. and Rochfort S. 2017. Heat stress in dairy cattle alters lipid composition of milk. Sci. Rep.7:1-10.
Mahmoud K.A., Linder M., Fanni J. and Parmentier M. 2008. Characterisation of the lipid fractions obtained by proteolytic and chemical extractions from rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) roe. Process Biochem. (Oxford, U. K.). 43:376-383.
Matsuda H., Llave Y., Fukuoka M. and Sakai N. 2013. Color changes in fish during grilling –Influences of heat transfer and heatingmedium on browning color. J. Food Eng. 116:130-137.
Merrill A.H.J. 2011. Sphingolipid and glycosphingolipid metabolic pathways in the era of sphingolipidomics. Chem. Rev.111:6387-6422.
Mondy N.I. and Mueller T.O. 1977. The effect of cooking methods on the lipid composition of potatoes. Am. Potato J. 54:203-210.
Nakamura M., Mao W., Fukuoka M. and Sakai N. 2011. Analysis of the color change infish during the grilling process. Food Sci. Technol. Res. 17:471-478.
Ozogul Y., Ozogul F. and Alagoz S. 2007. Fatty acid profiles and fat contents of commercially important seawater and freshwater fish species of Turkey: A comparative study. Food Chem. 103:217-223.
Rosa A., Scano P., Atzeri A., Deiana M., Mereu S. and Dessi M.A. 2012. Effect of storage conditions on lipid components and color of Mugil cephalus processed roes. J. Food Sci.77:107-114.
Saliu F., Leoni B. and Della Pergola R. 2017. Lipid classes and fatty acids composition of the roe of wild Silurus glanis from subalpine freshwater. Food Chem. 232:163-168.
Saliu F., Magoni C., Lasagni M., Della Pergola R. and Labra M. 2019. Multi?analytical characterization of perigonadal fat in bluefin tuna: from waste to marine lipid source. J. Sci. Food Agric.99:4571-4579.
Shirai N., Higuchi T. and Suzuki H. 2006. Analysis of lipid classes and the fatty acid composition of the salted fish roe food products, Ikura, Tarako, Tobikoand Kazunoko. Food Chem. 94:61-67.
Suzumura M. 2005. Phospholipids in marine environments: A review. Talanta. 66:422-434.
Vujasinovic V., Djilas S., Dimic E., Basic Z. and Radocaj O. 2012. The effect of roasting on the chemical composition and oxidative stability of pumpkin oil.Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 114:568-574.
Wang Q., Xue C., Li Z. and Xu J. 2008. Analysis of DHA-rich phospholipids from egg of squid Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis. J. Food Compos. Anal. 21:356-359.
Wang Y. and Zhang H. 2011. Tracking phospholipid profiling of muscle from Ctennopharyngodon idellus during storage by shotgun lipidomics. J. Agric. Food Chem. 59:11635-11642.
Yan X., Li H., Xu J. and Zhou C. 2010. Analysis of phospholipids in microalga Nitzschia closterium by UPLC-Q-TOF-MS. Chin. J. Oceanol. Limnol.28:106-112.
Yoshida H., Hirakawa Y. and Abe S. 2001a. Influence of microwave roasting on positional distribution of fatty acids of triacylglycerols and phospholipids in sunflower seeds (Helianthus annuus L.). Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 103: 201-207.
Yoshida H., Hirakawa Y. and Abe S. 2001b. Roasting influences on molecular species of triacylglycerols in sunflower seeds (Helianthus annuus L.). Food Res. Int. 34:613-619.
Yoshida H., Hirakawa Y., Tomiyama Y., Nagamizu T. and Mizushina Y. 2005. Fatty acid distributions of triacylglycerols and phospholipids in peanut seeds (Arachis hypogaea L.) following microwave treatment. J. Food Compos. Anal.18:3-14.
Yoshida H., Matsuda K., Hirakawa Y. and Mizushina Y. 2003. Roasting effects on the distribution of tocopherols and phospholipids within each structural part and section of soybeans. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc.80:665-674.
Zhao Y.Y., Wu S.P., Liu S., Zhang Y. and Lin R.C. 2014. Ultra-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry as a sensitive and powerful technology in lipidomic applications. Chem.-Biol. Interact. 220:181-192.