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anthocyanins, antioxidant activity, ecotypes, Ficus carica, flavonoids, fruits, polyphenols


In this study, phenolics and reducing sugar` compositions of fig fruits (27 Tunisian ecotypes) were analyzed. In addition, the antioxidant activity was determined by two methods; the ABTS and the DPPH assays. Phytochemical composition of the 27 fig ecotypes was found to be very diverse, as the total polyphenols varied from 51.50 (‘Bouholi’) to 100.23 (‘Nasri’) mg gallic acid equivalent/100 g fresh weight. Total flavonoids also varied from 0.33 (‘Bayoudhi1’) to 17.59 (‘Soltani Ahmar’) mg quercetin equivalent/100 g fresh weight, and total anthocyanins extended from 1.61 (‘Besbessi’) to 11.67 (‘Zidi2’) mg/100 g fresh weight. Additionally, DPPH % inhibition ranged from 11.37 (‘Besbessi’) to 64.73 % (‘Bouharrag’) and ABTS from 38.50 (Sawoudi5) to 676.13 (‘Nemri’). The ecotypes ‘Zergui’ and ‘Nasri’ had the highest contents of glucose (5.68 and 4.83 g/ 100 g FW, respectively) and fructose (5.43 and 4.69 g/ 100 g FW, respectively). The results also showed that fig fruits are a good and valuable source of natural antioxidants that can be used in food and medical sectors.

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