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antioxidant, apricot wine, aroma profile, fruit wine, pretreatment


The effects of pretreatment (pectinase and CaCO3) and chaptalization (sugar and puree concentrate) on the quality of apricot wine were investigated. Pectinase-treated apricot wines had increased amounts of total phenolics, flavonoid compounds, as well as antioxidant activities. The apricot wine chaptalized with puree concentrate and treated with pectinase (PCP) showed the highest total acidity and some organic acid contents, which resulted in the strongest sourness. In contrast, the apricot wine treated with pectinase and CaCO3 (SCPC and PCPC) showed the lowest total acidity and least sourness. Antioxidant activities of PCP and PCPC wines were higher than other wines, and other pectinase-treated wines were also higher than the control wine. Volatile higher alcohols and terpenes increased in all the pectinase-treated wines, whereas volatile ester compounds were decreased. Sensory evaluation showed that SCPC, PCP, and PCPC wines obtained significantly high flavor scores, and SCPC and PCPC wines obtained the highest overall preference scores.
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