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antioxidants, apricots, cookies, organolyptic characteristics
Current study was designed to explore the nutritional and antioxidant potential of Pakistani apricot’s varieties (Marghulam, Halman, Kakas and Shakanda). The highest values of moisture, crude fat, crude protein, fiber and ash (7.95±0.05%, 2.29±0.07%, 3.22±0.06%, 3.82±0.91% and 4.26±0.08%) were found in Marhulam. The maximum value of total phenolic contents (TPC) 30.75±0.09mg/100gGAE and DPPH 40.64±0.04% was determined in Marghulam and Halman respectively. Cookies were prepared with incorporation of apricot powder (10%) and evaluated for compositional, mineral, TPC, antioxidant activity, physical parameters, color, texture and sensory attributes. Based on sensory evaluation, cookies supplemented with 10% Marghulam flour got the highest score.
Akin E.B., Karabulut I. and Topcu A. 2008. Some compositional properties of main Malatya apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) varieties. Food Chemistry 107(2):939-948.
Ali S., Masud T., Abbasi K.S., Ahmad A., Mahmood T. and Ali A. 2014a. Biochemical attributes of apricot as influenced by salicylic acid during ambient storage. International Journal of Biosciences 4(10):176-187.
Ali S., Masud T., Abbasi K.S., Mahmood T. and Ali A. 2014b. Some physico-chemical and functional attributes of six indigenous apricot genotypes from Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. International Journal of Biosciences 4:221-231.
Amarowicz R., Pegg R., Rahimi-Moghaddam P., Barl B. and Weil J. 2004. Free-radical scavenging capacity and antioxidant activity of selected plant species from the Canadian prairies. Food Chemistry 84(4):551-562.
Arshad H., Azra Y. and Javed A. 2010. Comparative study of chemical composition of some dried apricot varieties grown in northern areas of Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany 42(4):2497-2502.
Ashraf U., Bandral J.D., Sood M., Rafiq S. and Sharma S. 2018. Effect of replacement of wheat flour with apricot powder on nutritional and sensory quality of nut crackers. The Pharma Innovation 7(5):695.
Chauhan A., Saxena D. and Singh S. 2016. Physical, textural, and sensory characteristics of wheat and amaranth flour blend cookies. Cogent Food and Agriculture 2(1):1-8.
Chen Y., Al-Ghamdi A.A., Elshikh M.S., Shah M.H., Al-Dosary M.A. and Abbasi A.M. 2020. Phytochemical profiling, antioxidant and HepG2 cancer cells’ antiproliferation potential in the kernels of apricot cultivars. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 27(1):163-172.
Cheng Y.F. and Bhat R. 2016. Functional, physicochemical and sensory properties of novel cookies produced by utilizing underutilized jering (Pithecellobium jiringa Jack.) legume flour. Food Bioscience 14:54-61.
Curutchet A., Cozzano S., Tárrega A. and Arcia P. 2019. Blueberry pomace as a source of antioxidant fibre in cookies: Consumer’s expectations and critical attributes for developing a new product. Food Science and Technology International 25(8):642-648.
Dragovic-Uzelac V., Levaj B., Mrkic V., Bursac D. and Boras M. 2007. The content of polyphenols and carotenoids in three apricot cultivars depending on stage of maturity and geographical region. Food Chemistry 102(3):966-975.
Drogoudi P.D., Vemmos S., Pantelidis G., Petri E., Tzoutzoukou C. and Karayiannis I. 2008. Physical characters and antioxidant, sugar, and mineral nutrient contents in fruit from 29 apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) cultivars and hybrids. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56(22):10754-10760.
Ertas N. and Aslan M. 2020. Antioxidant and physicochemical properties of cookies containing raw and roasted hemp flour. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria 19(2):177-184.
Fraser P.D. and Bramley P.M. 2004. The biosynthesis and nutritional uses of carotenoids. Progress in Lipid Research 43(3):228-265.
Ganorkar P. and Jain R. 2014. Effect of flaxseed incorporation on physical, sensorial, textural and chemical attributes of cookies. International Food Research Journal 21(4):1515-1521.
Gayas B., Shukla R.N. and Khan B.M. 2012. Physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of carrot pomace powder enriched defatted soyflour fortified biscuits. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 2(8):1-5.
Girón J.M., Santos L.E.O. and Rodríguez-Rodríguez D.X. 2019. Extraction of total carotenoids from peach palm fruit (Bactris gasipaes) peel by means of ultrasound application and vegetable oil. DYNA 86(209):98-103.
Gupta M., Bawa A.S. and Abu-Ghannam N. 2011. Effect of barley flour and freeze–thaw cycles on textural nutritional and functional properties of cookies. Food and Bioproducts processing 89(4):520-527.
Haciseferogullari H., Gezer I., Özcan M.M. and Murat Asma B. 2007. Post-harvest chemical and physical–mechanical properties of some apricot varieties cultivated in Turkey. Journal of Food Engineering 79(1):364-373.
Han J.-S., Kim J., Han G.-P., Kim D.-S., Kozukue N. and Lee K.-R. 2004. Quality characteristics of functional cookies with added potato peel. Korean Journal of Food and Cookery Science 20(6):607-613.
Hegedú s A., Engel R., Abrankó L., Balogh E.k., Blázovics A., Hermán R., Halász J., Ercisli S., Pedryc A. and Stefanovits-Bányai É. 2010. Antioxidant and antiradical capacities in apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) fruits: variations from genotypes, years, and analytical methods. Journal of Food Science 75(9):722-730.
Hussain A., Yasmin A. and Ali J. 2010. Comparative study of chemical composition of some dried apricot varieties grown in northern areas of Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany 42(4):2497-2502.
Hussain S., Anjum F.M., Butt M.S., Khan M.I. and Asghar A. 2006. Physical and sensoric attributes of flaxseed flour supplemented cookies. Turkish Journal of Biology 30(2):87-92.
Idris A. 2019. An effect of light intensity on the total flavonoid and phenolic content of Moringa Oleifera. Journal of Tomography System and Sensor Application 2(1):19-24.
Igual M., García-Martínez E., Martín-Esparza M. and Martínez-Navarrete N. 2012. Effect of processing on the drying kinetics and functional value of dried apricot. Food Research International 47(2):284-290.
Incedayi B., Tamer C.E., Sinir G.Ö., Suna S. and Çopur Ö.U. 2016. Impact of different drying parameters on color, ?-carotene, antioxidant activity and minerals of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.). Food Science and Technology 36(1):171-178.
Kafkaletou M., Kalantzis I., Karantzi A., Christopoulos M.V. and Tsantili E. 2019. Phytochemical characterization in traditional and modern apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) cultivars–Nutritional value and its relation to origin. Scientia Horticulturae 253:195-202.
Kamaljit K., Baljeet S. and Amarjeet K. 2010. Preparation of bakery products by incorporating pea flour as a functional ingredient. American Journal of Food Technology 5(2):130-135.
Kapoor S. and Ranote P.S. 2016. Antioxidant components and physico-chemical characteristics of jamun powder supplemented pear juice. Journal of Food Science and Technology 53(5):2307-2316.
Karaca O.B., Güzeler N., Tangüler H., Yasar K. and Akin M.B. 2019. Effects of apricot fibre on the physicochemical characteristics, the sensory properties and bacterial viability of nonfat probiotic yoghurts. Foods 8(1):33.
Kiralan M., Özkan G., Kucukoner E. and Ozcelik M.M. 2019. Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) Oil. In Fruit Oils: Chemistry and Functionality. Springer. pp. 505-519.
Kousar R., Makhdum M.S.A., Abbas A. and Nasir J. 2019. Issues and impacts of the apricot value chain on the upland farmers in the Himalayan range of Pakistan. Sustainability 11(16):1-13.
Lepionka T., Bialek A., Bialek M., Czauderna M., Stawarska A., Wrzesien R., Bielecki W., Pasko P., Galanty A. and Bobrowska-Korczak B. 2019. Mammary cancer risk and serum lipid profile of rats supplemented with pomegranate seed oil and bitter melon extract. Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators 142:33-45.
Liu R.H. 2013. Health-promoting components of fruits and vegetables in the diet. Advances in Nutrition 4(3):384-392.
Mepba H.D., Eboh L. and Nwaojigwa S. 2007. Chemical composition, functional and baking properties of wheat-plantain composite flours. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 7(1):1-22.
Mundeja A. and Hirdyani H. 2014. Organoleptic and nutritional evaluation of apricot products developed for hypertensive patients. Indian Journal of Community Health 26( 2):107-111.
Ninfali P., Mari M., Meli M.A., Roselli C. and Antonini E. 2019. In vitro bioaccessibility of avenanthramides in cookies made with malted oat flours. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 54(5):1558-1565.
Özcan M.M. and Haciseferogullari H. 2007. The strawberry (Arbutus unedo L.) fruits: chemical composition, physical properties and mineral contents. Journal of Food Engineering 78(3):1022-1028.
Pasha I., Rashid S., Anjum F.M., Sultan M.T., Qayyum M.N. and Saeed F. 2011. Quality evaluation of wheat-mungbean flour blends and their utilization in baked products. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 10(4):388-392.
Pasqualone A., Makhlouf F.Z., Barkat M., Difonzo G., Summo C., Squeo G. and Caponio F. 2019. Effect of acorn flour on the physico-chemical and sensory properties of biscuits. Heliyon 5(8):1-7.
Pereira D., Correia P.M. and Guiné R.P. 2013. Analysis of the physical-chemical and sensorial properties of Maria type cookies. Acta Chimica Slovaca 6(2):269-280.
Peter Ikechukwu A., Okafor D., Kabuo N., Ibeabuchi J., Odimegwu E., Alagbaoso S., Njideka N. and Mbah R. 2017. Production and evaluation of cookies from whole wheat and date palm fruit pulp as sugar substitute. International Journal of Advancement in Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Science 4(04):1-31.
Pratyush K., Masih D. and Sonkar C. 2015. Development and quality evaluation of pumpkin powder fortified cookies. International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology 3(4):1034-1038.
Sharif M.K., Butt M.S., Anjum F.M. and Nawaz H. 2009. Preparation of fiber and mineral enriched defatted rice bran supplemented cookies. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 8(5):571-577.
Tanska M., Roszkowska B., Czaplicki S., Borowska E.J., Bojarska J. and Dabrowska A. 2016. Effect of fruit pomace addition on shortbread cookies to improve their physical and nutritional values. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 71(3):307-313.
Uchoa A.M.A., Da Costa J.M.C., Maia G.A., Meira T.R., Sousa P.H.M. and Brasil I.M. 2009. Formulation and physicochemical and sensorial evaluation of biscuit-type cookies supplemented with fruit powders. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 64(2):153-159.
Varshney A., Sangani V. and Antala D. 2008. Development of nutritious product from defatted pea nut flour and cereals. Indian Food Packer 22(2):60-64.
Wani S., Jan N., Wani T.A., Ahmad M., Masoodi F. and Gani A. 2017. Optimization of antioxidant activity and total polyphenols of dried apricot fruit extracts (Prunus armeniaca L.) using response surface methodology. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences 16(2):119-126.
Wani S., Masoodi F., Wani T.A., Ahmad M., Gani A. and Ganai S. 2015. Physical characteristics, mineral analysis and antioxidant properties of some apricot varieties grown in North India. Cogent Food and Agriculture 1(1):1-10.
Williams M.H. 2005. Dietary supplements and sports performance: minerals. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2(1):43-49.
Yahia E.M., García-Solís P. and Celis M.E.M. 2019. Contribution of fruits and vegetables to human nutrition and health. In Postharvest physiology and biochemistry of fruits and vegetables. Elsevier. pp. 19-45.
Yousaf A.A., Ahmed A., Ahmad A., Hameed T., Randhawa M.A., Hayat I. and Khalid N. 2013. Nutritional and functional evaluation of wheat flour cookies supplemented with gram flour. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 64(1):63-68.
Zucco F., Borsuk Y. and Arntfield S.D. 2011. Physical and nutritional evaluation of wheat cookies supplemented with pulse flours of different particle sizes. Food Science and Technology 44(10):2070-2076.
Ali S., Masud T., Abbasi K.S., Ahmad A., Mahmood T. and Ali A. 2014a. Biochemical attributes of apricot as influenced by salicylic acid during ambient storage. International Journal of Biosciences 4(10):176-187.
Ali S., Masud T., Abbasi K.S., Mahmood T. and Ali A. 2014b. Some physico-chemical and functional attributes of six indigenous apricot genotypes from Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. International Journal of Biosciences 4:221-231.
Amarowicz R., Pegg R., Rahimi-Moghaddam P., Barl B. and Weil J. 2004. Free-radical scavenging capacity and antioxidant activity of selected plant species from the Canadian prairies. Food Chemistry 84(4):551-562.
Arshad H., Azra Y. and Javed A. 2010. Comparative study of chemical composition of some dried apricot varieties grown in northern areas of Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany 42(4):2497-2502.
Ashraf U., Bandral J.D., Sood M., Rafiq S. and Sharma S. 2018. Effect of replacement of wheat flour with apricot powder on nutritional and sensory quality of nut crackers. The Pharma Innovation 7(5):695.
Chauhan A., Saxena D. and Singh S. 2016. Physical, textural, and sensory characteristics of wheat and amaranth flour blend cookies. Cogent Food and Agriculture 2(1):1-8.
Chen Y., Al-Ghamdi A.A., Elshikh M.S., Shah M.H., Al-Dosary M.A. and Abbasi A.M. 2020. Phytochemical profiling, antioxidant and HepG2 cancer cells’ antiproliferation potential in the kernels of apricot cultivars. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 27(1):163-172.
Cheng Y.F. and Bhat R. 2016. Functional, physicochemical and sensory properties of novel cookies produced by utilizing underutilized jering (Pithecellobium jiringa Jack.) legume flour. Food Bioscience 14:54-61.
Curutchet A., Cozzano S., Tárrega A. and Arcia P. 2019. Blueberry pomace as a source of antioxidant fibre in cookies: Consumer’s expectations and critical attributes for developing a new product. Food Science and Technology International 25(8):642-648.
Dragovic-Uzelac V., Levaj B., Mrkic V., Bursac D. and Boras M. 2007. The content of polyphenols and carotenoids in three apricot cultivars depending on stage of maturity and geographical region. Food Chemistry 102(3):966-975.
Drogoudi P.D., Vemmos S., Pantelidis G., Petri E., Tzoutzoukou C. and Karayiannis I. 2008. Physical characters and antioxidant, sugar, and mineral nutrient contents in fruit from 29 apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) cultivars and hybrids. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56(22):10754-10760.
Ertas N. and Aslan M. 2020. Antioxidant and physicochemical properties of cookies containing raw and roasted hemp flour. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria 19(2):177-184.
Fraser P.D. and Bramley P.M. 2004. The biosynthesis and nutritional uses of carotenoids. Progress in Lipid Research 43(3):228-265.
Ganorkar P. and Jain R. 2014. Effect of flaxseed incorporation on physical, sensorial, textural and chemical attributes of cookies. International Food Research Journal 21(4):1515-1521.
Gayas B., Shukla R.N. and Khan B.M. 2012. Physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of carrot pomace powder enriched defatted soyflour fortified biscuits. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 2(8):1-5.
Girón J.M., Santos L.E.O. and Rodríguez-Rodríguez D.X. 2019. Extraction of total carotenoids from peach palm fruit (Bactris gasipaes) peel by means of ultrasound application and vegetable oil. DYNA 86(209):98-103.
Gupta M., Bawa A.S. and Abu-Ghannam N. 2011. Effect of barley flour and freeze–thaw cycles on textural nutritional and functional properties of cookies. Food and Bioproducts processing 89(4):520-527.
Haciseferogullari H., Gezer I., Özcan M.M. and Murat Asma B. 2007. Post-harvest chemical and physical–mechanical properties of some apricot varieties cultivated in Turkey. Journal of Food Engineering 79(1):364-373.
Han J.-S., Kim J., Han G.-P., Kim D.-S., Kozukue N. and Lee K.-R. 2004. Quality characteristics of functional cookies with added potato peel. Korean Journal of Food and Cookery Science 20(6):607-613.
Hegedú s A., Engel R., Abrankó L., Balogh E.k., Blázovics A., Hermán R., Halász J., Ercisli S., Pedryc A. and Stefanovits-Bányai É. 2010. Antioxidant and antiradical capacities in apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) fruits: variations from genotypes, years, and analytical methods. Journal of Food Science 75(9):722-730.
Hussain A., Yasmin A. and Ali J. 2010. Comparative study of chemical composition of some dried apricot varieties grown in northern areas of Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany 42(4):2497-2502.
Hussain S., Anjum F.M., Butt M.S., Khan M.I. and Asghar A. 2006. Physical and sensoric attributes of flaxseed flour supplemented cookies. Turkish Journal of Biology 30(2):87-92.
Idris A. 2019. An effect of light intensity on the total flavonoid and phenolic content of Moringa Oleifera. Journal of Tomography System and Sensor Application 2(1):19-24.
Igual M., García-Martínez E., Martín-Esparza M. and Martínez-Navarrete N. 2012. Effect of processing on the drying kinetics and functional value of dried apricot. Food Research International 47(2):284-290.
Incedayi B., Tamer C.E., Sinir G.Ö., Suna S. and Çopur Ö.U. 2016. Impact of different drying parameters on color, ?-carotene, antioxidant activity and minerals of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.). Food Science and Technology 36(1):171-178.
Kafkaletou M., Kalantzis I., Karantzi A., Christopoulos M.V. and Tsantili E. 2019. Phytochemical characterization in traditional and modern apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) cultivars–Nutritional value and its relation to origin. Scientia Horticulturae 253:195-202.
Kamaljit K., Baljeet S. and Amarjeet K. 2010. Preparation of bakery products by incorporating pea flour as a functional ingredient. American Journal of Food Technology 5(2):130-135.
Kapoor S. and Ranote P.S. 2016. Antioxidant components and physico-chemical characteristics of jamun powder supplemented pear juice. Journal of Food Science and Technology 53(5):2307-2316.
Karaca O.B., Güzeler N., Tangüler H., Yasar K. and Akin M.B. 2019. Effects of apricot fibre on the physicochemical characteristics, the sensory properties and bacterial viability of nonfat probiotic yoghurts. Foods 8(1):33.
Kiralan M., Özkan G., Kucukoner E. and Ozcelik M.M. 2019. Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) Oil. In Fruit Oils: Chemistry and Functionality. Springer. pp. 505-519.
Kousar R., Makhdum M.S.A., Abbas A. and Nasir J. 2019. Issues and impacts of the apricot value chain on the upland farmers in the Himalayan range of Pakistan. Sustainability 11(16):1-13.
Lepionka T., Bialek A., Bialek M., Czauderna M., Stawarska A., Wrzesien R., Bielecki W., Pasko P., Galanty A. and Bobrowska-Korczak B. 2019. Mammary cancer risk and serum lipid profile of rats supplemented with pomegranate seed oil and bitter melon extract. Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators 142:33-45.
Liu R.H. 2013. Health-promoting components of fruits and vegetables in the diet. Advances in Nutrition 4(3):384-392.
Mepba H.D., Eboh L. and Nwaojigwa S. 2007. Chemical composition, functional and baking properties of wheat-plantain composite flours. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 7(1):1-22.
Mundeja A. and Hirdyani H. 2014. Organoleptic and nutritional evaluation of apricot products developed for hypertensive patients. Indian Journal of Community Health 26( 2):107-111.
Ninfali P., Mari M., Meli M.A., Roselli C. and Antonini E. 2019. In vitro bioaccessibility of avenanthramides in cookies made with malted oat flours. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 54(5):1558-1565.
Özcan M.M. and Haciseferogullari H. 2007. The strawberry (Arbutus unedo L.) fruits: chemical composition, physical properties and mineral contents. Journal of Food Engineering 78(3):1022-1028.
Pasha I., Rashid S., Anjum F.M., Sultan M.T., Qayyum M.N. and Saeed F. 2011. Quality evaluation of wheat-mungbean flour blends and their utilization in baked products. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 10(4):388-392.
Pasqualone A., Makhlouf F.Z., Barkat M., Difonzo G., Summo C., Squeo G. and Caponio F. 2019. Effect of acorn flour on the physico-chemical and sensory properties of biscuits. Heliyon 5(8):1-7.
Pereira D., Correia P.M. and Guiné R.P. 2013. Analysis of the physical-chemical and sensorial properties of Maria type cookies. Acta Chimica Slovaca 6(2):269-280.
Peter Ikechukwu A., Okafor D., Kabuo N., Ibeabuchi J., Odimegwu E., Alagbaoso S., Njideka N. and Mbah R. 2017. Production and evaluation of cookies from whole wheat and date palm fruit pulp as sugar substitute. International Journal of Advancement in Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Science 4(04):1-31.
Pratyush K., Masih D. and Sonkar C. 2015. Development and quality evaluation of pumpkin powder fortified cookies. International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology 3(4):1034-1038.
Sharif M.K., Butt M.S., Anjum F.M. and Nawaz H. 2009. Preparation of fiber and mineral enriched defatted rice bran supplemented cookies. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 8(5):571-577.
Tanska M., Roszkowska B., Czaplicki S., Borowska E.J., Bojarska J. and Dabrowska A. 2016. Effect of fruit pomace addition on shortbread cookies to improve their physical and nutritional values. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 71(3):307-313.
Uchoa A.M.A., Da Costa J.M.C., Maia G.A., Meira T.R., Sousa P.H.M. and Brasil I.M. 2009. Formulation and physicochemical and sensorial evaluation of biscuit-type cookies supplemented with fruit powders. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 64(2):153-159.
Varshney A., Sangani V. and Antala D. 2008. Development of nutritious product from defatted pea nut flour and cereals. Indian Food Packer 22(2):60-64.
Wani S., Jan N., Wani T.A., Ahmad M., Masoodi F. and Gani A. 2017. Optimization of antioxidant activity and total polyphenols of dried apricot fruit extracts (Prunus armeniaca L.) using response surface methodology. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences 16(2):119-126.
Wani S., Masoodi F., Wani T.A., Ahmad M., Gani A. and Ganai S. 2015. Physical characteristics, mineral analysis and antioxidant properties of some apricot varieties grown in North India. Cogent Food and Agriculture 1(1):1-10.
Williams M.H. 2005. Dietary supplements and sports performance: minerals. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2(1):43-49.
Yahia E.M., García-Solís P. and Celis M.E.M. 2019. Contribution of fruits and vegetables to human nutrition and health. In Postharvest physiology and biochemistry of fruits and vegetables. Elsevier. pp. 19-45.
Yousaf A.A., Ahmed A., Ahmad A., Hameed T., Randhawa M.A., Hayat I. and Khalid N. 2013. Nutritional and functional evaluation of wheat flour cookies supplemented with gram flour. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 64(1):63-68.
Zucco F., Borsuk Y. and Arntfield S.D. 2011. Physical and nutritional evaluation of wheat cookies supplemented with pulse flours of different particle sizes. Food Science and Technology 44(10):2070-2076.