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M. UYARCAN http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1474-672X
S. KAYAARDI http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1747-0976


beef, high pressure, marination, protein degradation, texture


The influence of high pressure/marination treatment on the texture, myofibrillar protein structure, color and sensory properties of beef loin steaks was studied. Combined high pressure and marination treatment at 550 MPa significantly increased beef tenderness, but had a “whitening/brightening” effect on the color of the samples (P<0.05). High-pressure processing caused protein degradation, leading to texture development. Furthermore, the panelists gave the highest overall impression score to the 150 MPa pressurized samples. These results show that combined high pressure and marination treatment at 550 MPa can potentially improve the textural properties of beef loin steaks,  although it is less favored than pressurization treatment.

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